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Mathematics: A Very Short Introduction pdf
Mathematics: A Very Short Introduction. Timothy Gowers
ISBN: 0192853619,9780192853615 | 129 pages | 4 Mb
Mathematics: A Very Short Introduction Timothy Gowers
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
About the Series: Combining authority with wit, accessibility, and style, Very Short Introductions offer an introduction to some of life's most interesting topics. Information: A Very Short Introduction. From: Brad DeLong To: UCB Econ 1 Spring 2012 students Subject: The Prologue to Partha Dasgupta's "Economics: A Very Short Introduction"** ---- ##Prologue## ###Becky's world### Becky, who is 10 years old, lives with her parents and an older brother Sam in a suburban town in They can be stated in words, but mathematics is an enormously efficient way to express the structure of a model; more interestingly, for discovering the implications of a model. Author Horace Dediu Categories Financial, There have been so many cases of this kind of accounting fraud that the FASB (GAAP), SEC, and IFRS have placed a very stringent definition on “revenue recognition”. Summary: “Globalization” has become the buzz-word of our time. Here is a brief, and not comprehensive, introduction to social network modeling drawing from academic literature in mathematics, statistics, computer science, sociology and physics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010. You might try the Teach Yourself series or A Very Short Introduction series. Shipped and sold: A brief introduction. This site uses the Basic Maths theme for WordPress, designed by Khoi Vinh & Allan Cole. Pythagoras: We've all known about this guy since our primary school math classes, but I think he deserves a “Very Short Introduction” book all by himself. 121 pages + bibliography and index. However, I'd suggest (unless you want to read an actual math book) Tim Gowers a very short introduction to math. This means that although you can sell all you want, the .. 'Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction' by Edward Craig is from the Oxford Very Short Introduction Series which is a wonderful collection of introductory books. They have more depth than pop books, but seem "choppy". Pop-math books I find work far less well than pop-science. Title: Globalization – A Very Short Introduction Author(s): Manfred B. They are all written by experts in the given subject; the Mathematics: a very short introduction is written by the Fields Medallist and recently knighted Tim Gowers. I have heard good things about the VSI books, e.g.